Our babies!

Our babies!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

8 months

Harrison has hit the 8th month mark.

I'm done with pictures, Mom!

He was quite busy this month with trying to crawl, stand, and getting a tooth.  I realized that he understands a lot more than I thought- outside, swing, ball, duck, toys, book, and milk are some.  Funny thing is, he doesn't seem to understand "no" all that well.  I must admit this has not been his happiest month though!  Those teeth breaking through have been rough on the little guy.  Some new food that he likes are mango and eggplant.

Giving his lamb kisses...
and hugs

I am so happy to be on summer break!!!!!  I've been waiting for this since I went back to work in January. ;)   It is so nice to not have to leave my boy.  We spend some time in the morning and evening outside- it's never long enough for H.  We've gone to the park a few times- he LOVES watching other kids, but is itching to run and play.  Being home is tougher than I thought it would be though.  Trying to maintain household duties and an active baby can be quite the task- easier than when I was working, but just more than I thought.

We went to New Orleans to see the Ajamisebas before they left for Houston.  While we were there H went for his first swim at my parents' house.  He loved it!!

Sunscreen on his nose ;)

Some thought this was a little over-kill

He loves Grand Nan!

We have swapped babysitting nights with the Baldwins a couple times.  Harrison had fun playing with sweet Ryleigh.

She was smiling for the camera :)
Funny faces
Sweet Ryleigh hanging on to Mr. Jermaine after H scared her with a yell!

Grand Nan came up to visit for a few days.  I got to go get a pedicure....so wonderful!!!  I even looked at a whole magazine while I was there.  :)  Thanks Mom!!

We celebrated Jermaine's first Father's Day by getting barbecue after church on Sunday.  He is so great with Harrison- what a blessed little boy to have Jermaine as his dad!  He doesn't even know yet how lucky he is.  I really am so thankful that I grew up with such a wonderful Dad who did so much for us.

In other news...we've been shopping for a new car for a while.  My Jetta was getting smaller and smaller, especially on road trips, and Jermaine's Explorer was getting a tad bit old.  Thankfully we found a great deal and were able to get an Expedition.  I am driving it- it felt HUGE at first, but I am feeling much more comfortable now.

1 comment:

  1. Love that pic of H and Jermaine!! Handsome boys :)Love the pool pics - he is getting so big!
