Our babies!

Our babies!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


We are expecting our first baby in October!!!  We are filled with so much joy and excitement.  This is an answer to many prayers, and we give God all the glory.

As of today I am 13 weeks, and feeling much better this week.  The sickness was not too much fun, and I am praying that the 2nd trimester will be all the wonderful things that I hear it should be.  Jermaine has been doing such a great job taking care of me, doing laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc, etc.  He's going to be such a great dad!  I look forward to seeing him with our child.

It has been so much fun surprising people with our news!  Everyone has been so sweet, supportive, and loving.  It is such a blessing to feel that this baby is already loved by our family and friends- amazing!

We will try to keep this updated, although the real reason we started it was to keep everyone updated on baby!

1 comment:

  1. We are thrilled about this news Rach and Jermaine!! Honestly, we talk about how excited we are every day. Keeping you all in our prayers :) Love, The Pitts'

    P.S. Hank said that this blog could also be named "Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man 2" or the "Three Cool Cooley's" or "How Cool Are The Cooley's?"
